has had a passion for fermentation ever since he worked for a farm to table restaurant. Originally from Georgia, Keith moved around a bit before landing in Virginia. He graduated from VCU with an English degree and booked it to one of the wildest places on earth-New Orleans. This is where he began cooking in restaurants starting out with casual burger joints and moving up to more prominent restaurants like Le Petit Grocery. Keith's most valued cooking job was in Ann Arbor, Michigan where he learned the art of salvaging the unwanted vegetables and making something incredible with them. Krauts led to Kimchi, which led to kombucha and finally....TEMPEH! Keith was fortunate enough to succeed in the Unbound RVA program, which offered him knowledge and opportunity to start his small business.
also has a passion for fermented foods because she has been interested in good nutrition and cooking for a long time. She received an English degree at VCU and began her travels soon after graduation. She has worked on farms in the states, worked as a natural foods cook, lived abroad in Taiwan as an English teacher, studied yoga and herbalism. Tempeh is exciting to Rachel because the health benefits are supreme, it's a sustainable food product and very fun to experiment with in the kitchen.