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Tempeh is a fermented protein that is as versatile as it is delicious.


It’s made using simple ingredients and centuries-old fermentation techniques first developed in Indonesia. It utilizes the mycelium of the fungus Rhisopus oligosporous to ferment infinite permutations of beans, grains and seeds. 


Think of mycelium as the roots of a mushroom. As the mycelium grows through

cracks between the beans during the fermentation process, it binds the beans into a solid cake that can be used in anything from tacos to stir-fry to pasta sauce.


Unlike other plant-based proteins on the market, Chaotic Good Tempeh isn’t filled with mysterious binding agents and fillers.


It's 100% bean. 100% mycelium.

100% nutritious + 100% delicious.


200% nutrilicious

(also 100% soy and gluten-free)


Tempeh is the world’s richest plant-based source of vitamin B12 and shares the same high protein content as beef. It’s also highly digestible compared to other soy and bean products because the fermentation process enables nutrients to become more soluble (in other words, it gives you all the good stuff without the gas). In addition, it’s low in saturated fat, has no cholesterol, and contains fiber, iron, and all eight essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein).- Bon Appetit



Rhizopus oligosporous mycellium grows with and supports benificial bacteria (what we call probiotics),  this combined with the elimination of phytic acid, which occurs during fermentation, increases the bioavailability of nutrients.


 Through the fermentation process natural enzymes such as phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, lysine, isoleucine and histidine, which make tempeh a more complete and easily digestible source of protein.


The pre-fermentation and fermentation process eliminates much of the phytic acid and oligosaccharides in the beans, making them more digestible and less...well...farty.


Tempeh is a great source of

pre-biotic fiber, which is food for beneficial bacteria. Food scientists and Nutritionists are increasingly researching "the gut". Many recent findings show evidence that one's stomach contains a cluster of nerves deemed "the second brain". Gut health (what you put into your body) has profound effects on your mental, physical, and spiritual health.

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